Google Trends Visualization

From Google Trends there is a public interface where you can look at the most popular search queries of a country, similar to Twitter Trends. The special thing about these trends is that they are almost live. This means that you can quickly see what a country is currently doing and the data is constantly updated. You can access these trends directly in the browser.

Google Trends in Germany at this time

An excellent source for raw data! I decided to develop an application, which simply saves the data hourly into a database.

Continue reading Google Trends Visualization

Humans in general are great at coming up with reasons to maintain their desired beliefs in the face of contradictory data. More intelligent and educated people aren’t necessarily better at critical thinking, but they are likely to be more clever and creative in coming up with such excuses—and scientists are no exception.

The Sceptics’ Guide to the Universe, Steven Novella

Reusable plastic bottles release hundreds of chemicals

Researchers have found several hundred different chemical substances in tap water stored in reusable plastic bottles. Several of these substances are potentially harmful to human health. There is a need for better regulation and manufacturing standards for manufacturers, according to the chemists behind the study.

I recently watched a Youtube video by a scientist in this context. I can also highly recommend it:

Recycling und Repair: Toiletseat connector

Recently this connection piece of our toiletseat broke. It looked as follows.

It seems first, that the only way to solve this is by removing the whole toilet seat, throwing it into the trash and buying a new one. Produce new trash and foster consumption? No! I can do modelling and have a 3D printer. I am just making my own spare parts.

Continue reading Recycling und Repair: Toiletseat connector