Tag der Gefallenen / Şehitler Günü 18.03.

Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives… You are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us where they lie side by side here in this country of ours… You, the mothers who sent their sons from faraway countries, wipe away your tears; your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace. After having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Viele Köche verderben den Brei.

Deutsches Sprichwort

İki kaptan bir gemiyi batırır.

Türk Atasözü

In den beiden Sprachen gibt es diese beiden Sprichwörter, die eine äquivalente Bedeutung haben.


Viele Menschen haben ja überhaupt nie mehr Ruhe in ihrem Leben. Also so im Sinne von: Stille. Keine Kopfhörer auf, keine Berieselung mit irgendwas, nichts scrollt oder zuckt. Ruhe.

Fefe https://blog.fefe.de/?ts=a14a3d58

Tier und Mensch

Der Wolf kommt langsam zurück in den Osten und wir wollen ihn gleich ein zweites Mal ausrotten. Nur seine optische Ähnlichkeit zum Haushund hilft ihm noch. Spinnen sind ekelig, weil sie „komisch laufen“. Sofort töten. Fliegen, igitt, die haben auf Kackhaufen gesessen. Todesstrafe. Maulwürfe verschandeln mir den Rasen. Sie sollen nach drüben gehen oder sterben. Vögel zerfleddern meine Weintrauben. Man reiche mir die Schrotpistole. Die Ameise frisst mir 18 µg Marmelade weg. Ich vergifte ihre Kinder. Aber hey, ich bin Tierfreund, man betrachte nur meine drei fotogenen Katzen.

Clemens Gleich, Heise.De

Wahre Liebe

Ich will dir mein Herz schenken,
Senke dich, mein Heil, hinein!
Ich will mich in dir versenken;
Ist dir gleich die Welt zu klein,
Ei, so sollst du mir allein
Mehr als Welt und Himmel sein.

J.S. Bach

Why were the Greeks so fucking great? What is it about them that allowed them to become so amazing? So fucking amazing that mankind is still (granted it’s a relatively small minority) jerking off to them in ecstatic orgasm after thousands of years? Sometimes I’m filled with incredible amount of life force from reading them or about them, and other times it’s crushing depressive episodes where I realize I’ll never witness them by my own eyes, witness everything from the simplest of social interactions to the greatest wonders of the ancient world, never be one of them. Can you imagine the festivals? The orators? The feasts? What is it that’s stopping Europe today from pulling itself up to similar heights? Is it because everything has become too big, we’re too many? Too complacent? Are we just doomed to painful mediocrity and the seemingly eternal meme of „science“? What’s the point in „““sciencing“““ your way to other fucking planets when there’s nothing there, everything will have to be built anew by the people sent there. What will be built? The disgusting glass buildings we all know and love from today, those pathetic excuses for architecture? Is that really the best? Or what about some sterile bleak bubble wrap looking beehive contraption? And who will populate these colonies? The same kind of bags of flesh who love the current mess of a society we live in? How long would it take for the colony to shit itself? What if we meet ayyliens? Will we show them our big go boom-boom rockets or will we show them the greatest works of mankind? Where is it all headed? What’s that discussion called about how the current times are viewed as „non-historic“ times or something akin to that? As if everything has stopped and now „““everyone“““ is „““smart“““ and „““moral“““ and „““good“““ and life is just about „“““living life““““ and „““traveling“““ and „“fucking““ and „““eating good food like pizza“““? I never signed up for this, I didn’t ask for this, didn’t ask for this life. What is there to do? I don’t give a flying fuck about contributing to the eternal meme machine known as the „““““““economy“““““““. Why? Just to be able to symbolically ejaculate on other people’s faces when I tell them I am „““someone“““ because of my position at work? What society is there to care for? A plane could crash on my street and I wouldn’t even bother look out the window. I’d check the news to find that 146 people have lost their lives and that we should all stand together and mourn them and that we should do everything to make sure that something like this never happens again but more importantly I’d be annoyed with all the increased traffic and people.
I wish one of you could slap me in real life. Or choke me to death, whichever would seem more appropriate in the situation.

Anon, 4chan/lit/